Saturday 29 September 2012

Breakfast picnic on Table Mountain

A beautiful morning arrived with the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean!

Breakfast was delivered to our suite, but we decided what a waste to have breakfast in the hotel suite. So quick phone call to guest relations, and we had containers to pack the breakfast into, so that we could take with us and have a picnic on top of Table Mountain.

SO crutches and all, Charlise, Tarryn and I set off on our journey to Table Mountain. As we were driving to our destination, traffic came to a standstill and being from Joburg we obviously suspected the worst. To our absolute delight and surprice we looked to our right and there were three police officer's on their scooters ushering a mommy, daddy and no little than seven baby Egyptian Geese down to the waterfront... What a pleasant and caring surprise.

After we experienced this caring and rather endearing gesture we proceeded to our destination. On arrival we were ushered to the disabled parking (me being on crutches) and subsequently the Guard/Attendent on duty took Geoff to the ticket office and within minutes we were on our way up to the Cable Cars. The service was outstanding.

As this was Charlise and Tarryn's first visit to Table Mountain the Cable car was a bit dawnting but awe inspiring as we had a 360 degree view of Cape Town. Once we reached our "summit" the weather being perfect, we did the usual tourist thing and went exploring and took a fair amount of photographs as per usual.

Once we had done our sight seeing, the dussie's sunbathing (I thought some of them were dead) only to discover that this is clearly one of their favourite past times we decided to have our picnic breakfast on the look out point looking south over the 12 Apostles towards Cape Point.

What a lekker morning!

Table Mountain - deserves the title and being one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. A definate for your bucket list!

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